Thoughts . . . by Mark Rich

. . . scribbled . . . scrawled . . . trimmed . . . typewritten . . . grubbed up . . . squeezed from circumstance . . .

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
So astoundingly full of hot air was he
his men believed he would grumptiously
rebound like a ball, in event of a fall.

Then he fell. He broke in thirty-four pieces.
And all Dumpty's horse shit and all Dumpty's men
piled all thirty-four on the wall again.
And all Dumpty's nephews and all Dumpty's nieces

sipped at the egg-drop soup he made
on the ground — and cheered! The rule of Dumpty
broke thirty-four others, in hiding some Humpty!
Psychophants plumped him; his asses all brayed.

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